New, Revised and Small Sites
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New, Revised and Small Sites
Representation ID: 16894
Received: 03/11/2018
Respondent: Mr
Agent: Mr
The site proposed is unsuitable for development, only a maximum of half of it to the Eastern side (along the Honingham road 1 house deep) could be developed only along the river, given its topography issues, local nature in the reed area. The impact on two listed buildings will be profound and will have Historic England objection as a result.
The proposed development is located between two listed properties (Thatched Cottage - Grade 2 and Old Hall - Grade 1) and will impact both substantially on their impact and setting
The application states that there are no topography issues. The land has significant changes in levels due to its decline to the river, especially to the Western side
The area is dense with deer, bats and owls and this will have a significant impact on the local wildlife and in an area at risk of flooding near the reed area.
There are covenants on the land for the houses to the south for the waste services.
The only bit that would be suitable for housing is directly on the front on Honingham Road as keeping with the rest of Barnham Broon, the Eastern side of the development only
The site of the proposed site would have a significant detrimental impact on the local community for a remaining valley village.
The development will impact a number of other properties to the southern side.