New, Revised and Small Sites

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New, Revised and Small Sites


Representation ID: 17407

Received: 26/11/2018

Respondent: Property Recycling Group

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

We do not support the comments in the consultation document in relation to GNLP2042 because the site can be delivered, if appropriate, on a smaller scale. The purpose of the submission made to date was simply to highlight the potential opportunity available on this land. The precise scale of development can be subject to further consideration and refinement in due course.

Full text:

In the consultation document it states, in respect of our clients site referenced as GNLP2042:

'GNLP2042 lies south of the village, adjacent to existing housing and with some access to
services. Constraints include the local road network, flood issues, townscape impacts and
constraints on the sewerage infrastructure'.


'In conclusion, if Tivetshall is identified for further growth, GNLP2103 could provide an
alternative option for housing, alongside previously submitted sites. GNLP2041 and 2042
could be considered out of scale with the existing village, and are perhaps less suitable'.

Clearly the site identified (at approx. 4ha) can theoretically be of any lesser scale and so, at this stage, it is somewhat premature to suggest it is 'out of scale' with the village. The purpose of the submission relating to the site was simply to highlight a possible development opportunity location - the details of that can clearly be considered further and refined in the future if the broad location is deemed to be of merit in planning terms. We believe that this site compares favourably with GNLP2103

Please also note that this site, GNLP2042, falls within that defined under GNLP2041 and therefore GNLP2041 is somewhat superseded by the submission of GNLP2042 - which is of a much smaller scale and more appropriate to the scale of Tivetshall St Mary.

We would also highlight the deliverability of GNLP2042 which s clearly suitable, available and achievable in the short term as it is a relatively unconstrained site.

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