Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

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Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 1: Please comment on or highlight any inaccuracies within the introduction

Representation ID: 20260

Received: 03/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Two serious issues result in the GNLP being a flawed plan: (a) Overprovision of housing allocations without effective phasing of development. (see answer to Q.9. (b) Allowing land owners / builders to to dictate if, when and how land is developed (see Q.9 & 45) mean it is impossible to plan for sustainability. Aspirations regarding climate change need positive and pro-active policies which should lead the strategy.

Full text:

Two serious issues result in the GNLP being a flawed plan: (a) Overprovision of housing allocations without effective phasing of development. (see answer to Q.9. (b) Allowing land owners / builders to to dictate if, when and how land is developed (see Q.9 & 45) mean it is impossible to plan for sustainability. Aspirations regarding climate change need positive and pro-active policies which should lead the strategy.


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 9: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the approach to Housing set out in the Delivery Statement?

Representation ID: 20263

Received: 03/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

We support the CPRE in challenging the 2014 household projections: 2016 projections to be adopted. Windfall sites must be taken into account when calculating new site requirements. Over-allocating housing sites and allowing land owners/builders to decide if, when and where housing takes place (SNDC acknowledge this is the case) local authorities lose control. (a) There can be no effective coordination of infrastructure provision. A sustainable plan cannot be followed (b) there can be no link between housing need and access for those in need to housing built. "Affordable Housing" is not effective in addressing the most serious need.

Full text:

We support the CPRE in challenging the 2014 household projections: 2016 projections to be adopted. Windfall sites must be taken into account when calculating new site requirements. Over-allocating housing sites and allowing land owners/builders to decide if, when and where housing takes place (SNDC acknowledge this is the case) local authorities lose control. (a) There can be no effective coordination of infrastructure provision. A sustainable plan cannot be followed (b) there can be no link between housing need and access for those in need to housing built. "Affordable Housing" is not effective in addressing the most serious need.


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 12: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the Climate Change Statement?

Representation ID: 20267

Received: 03/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Aspirations but ineffective follow on. Policies should lead on how they will address climate change. Village Cluster policy is an example of opportunity lost: no criteria on location of housing and how countering climate change is to be helped. Design of development means little when SNDC acknowledge that Building Regulations can only be changed to the extent that builders will cooperate.

Full text:

Aspirations but ineffective follow on. Policies should lead on how they will address climate change. Village Cluster policy is an example of opportunity lost: no criteria on location of housing and how countering climate change is to be helped. Design of development means little when SNDC acknowledge that Building Regulations can only be changed to the extent that builders will cooperate.


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 45. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the overall approach for the village clusters? Please identify particular issues

Representation ID: 20345

Received: 05/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

No justification for the cluster plan. No justification for the quantity of development. No criteria relating to suitability for development. SNDC confirm this is a political move to satisfy urban areas. Landowners/builders given initiative in choosing sites. No local community involvement in the plan.
Detailed comments submitted by email

Full text:

No justification for the cluster plan. No justification for the quantity of development. No criteria relating to suitability for development. SNDC confirm this is a political move to satisfy urban areas. Landowners/builders given initiative in choosing sites. No local community involvement in the plan.
Detailed comments submitted by email


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 18: Do you support, object or have any comments relating to the preferred approach to sustainable communities including the requirement for a sustainability statement?

Representation ID: 20348

Received: 05/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Our concern is that the aspirations in this policy, whilst laudable, are little more than aspirations. The actions suggested are not options - they are essential. The Village Cluster policy does not meet your aspirations. Our concern is reinforced by the SNDC view that Building Regulations can only be tightened to the extent that builders will accept that.

Full text:

Our concern is that the aspirations in this policy, whilst laudable, are little more than aspirations. The actions suggested are not options - they are essential. The Village Cluster policy does not meet your aspirations. Our concern is reinforced by the SNDC view that Building Regulations can only be tightened to the extent that builders will accept that.


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 21: Do you support, object or have any comments relating to the approach to the natural environment?

Representation ID: 20350

Received: 05/03/2020

Respondent: Brockdish & Thorpe Abbotts Parish Council

Representation Summary:

We support the CPRE view that this policy is far too narrow. It is entirely reactive. The GNLP should contain pro-active measures to improve the environment and counter-act climate change. As an example the Government wants to plant millions of trees so the GNLP should take a lead on where and how this should take place and commit a budget to it.

Full text:

We support the CPRE view that this policy is far too narrow. It is entirely reactive. The GNLP should contain pro-active measures to improve the environment and counter-act climate change. As an example the Government wants to plant millions of trees so the GNLP should take a lead on where and how this should take place and commit a budget to it.

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