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Policy 2 Sustainable Communities

Representation ID: 23931

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Norfolk Constabulary support the proposed Table 8 - Key issues addressed by Policy 2 (Issue 7) for the establishment and maintenance of resilient, safe and inclusive communities and also (Issue 1) to provide convenient, safe and sustainable access to facilities.

Norfolk Constabulary would support Local Plan policy and text that included reference to the principles of Secure By Design (SBD) (the police initiative which promotes the adoption of crime prevention measures) to improve the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings to provide safe places to live, as in line with Government directive . Both the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) set out guidance in creating safe and accessible communities and attention is highlighted to section 8 of the NPPF. This recommends that local planning authorities ensure their policies and decisions aim to create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion (paragraph 91). NPPF paragraph 164 advises that when preparing their Local Plan, local authorities should work with local advisors and others to ensure that they have taken into account the most up-to-date information about higher risk sites in their area for malicious threats and natural hazards, including steps that can be taken to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. The Design section of the PPG includes crime prevention and security measures.

Further provisions that focus on these issues would be welcome to ensure conformity with the NPPF and secure soundness to the Plan.

Full text:

Norfolk Constabulary support the proposed Table 8 - Key issues addressed by Policy 2 (Issue 7) for the establishment and maintenance of resilient, safe and inclusive communities and also (Issue 1) to provide convenient, safe and sustainable access to facilities.

Norfolk Constabulary would support Local Plan policy and text that included reference to the principles of Secure By Design (SBD) (the police initiative which promotes the adoption of crime prevention measures) to improve the security of buildings and their immediate surroundings to provide safe places to live, as in line with Government directive . Both the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) set out guidance in creating safe and accessible communities and attention is highlighted to section 8 of the NPPF. This recommends that local planning authorities ensure their policies and decisions aim to create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine quality of life or community cohesion (paragraph 91). NPPF paragraph 164 advises that when preparing their Local Plan, local authorities should work with local advisors and others to ensure that they have taken into account the most up-to-date information about higher risk sites in their area for malicious threats and natural hazards, including steps that can be taken to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. The Design section of the PPG includes crime prevention and security measures.

Further provisions that focus on these issues would be welcome to ensure conformity with the NPPF and secure soundness to the Plan.



Delivery Statement

Representation ID: 23932

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Norfolk Constabulary have the responsibility for policing, making Norfolk a safe place where people want to live, work, travel and invest in.

Central Government place great emphasis on the role of the Police. Furthermore, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) gives significant weight to promoting safe communities (in section 8 of the NPPF). This is highlighted by the provision of paragraph 91, which states

'Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places which ...

b) are safe and accessible, so that crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion'...

A key to providing sustainable communities that are safe and accessible so that crime and disorder do not undermine community cohesion (and quality of life) is to ensure that the necessary police infra-structure is available to serve existing and new communities, where new development places additional pressures on Police.

Based on the clear national planning policy advice (and to ensure consistency with Local Plan Policy 2), it is considered that within the Infra-structure element of the Delivery Statement, specific reference should be made to Norfolk Constabulary and its wording should be revised to read as detailed in question 6 below

Change suggested by respondent:

Infrastructure priorities benefit existing communities, support growth, improve connectivity and access to economic and social opportunities, maintain and enhance safe and cohesive communities and deliver sustainable and active travel choices to promote modal shift.

The Greater Norwich partners will continue to work to coordinate delivery with other providers including Highways England, Anglian Water, other transport and utilities companies, town and parish council, Norfolk Constabuary and local health care providers. Infrastructure will be delivered through: ........

Para 143 should add reference to police and read as follows:

Existing schools, police and health facilities will be expanded, and new facilities provided to serve growing communities, with greater use of technology to access some types of health care.

Full text:

Norfolk Constabulary have the responsibility for policing, making Norfolk a safe place where people want to live, work, travel and invest in.

Central Government place great emphasis on the role of the Police. Furthermore, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) gives significant weight to promoting safe communities (in section 8 of the NPPF). This is highlighted by the provision of paragraph 91, which states

'Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places which ...

b) are safe and accessible, so that crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion'...

A key to providing sustainable communities that are safe and accessible so that crime and disorder do not undermine community cohesion (and quality of life) is to ensure that the necessary police infra-structure is available to serve existing and new communities, where new development places additional pressures on Police.

Based on the clear national planning policy advice (and to ensure consistency with Local Plan Policy 2), it is considered that within the Infra-structure element of the Delivery Statement, specific reference should be made to Norfolk Constabulary and its wording should be revised to read as detailed in question 6 below



Policy 4 Strategic Infrastructure

Representation ID: 23933

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

Change suggested by respondent:

The summary of police infrastructure requirements should be included in Appendix 1 (with its associated cross reference to Policy 4).

Full text:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.



Appendix 1 Infrastructure Requirements

Representation ID: 23934

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

Change suggested by respondent:

The summary of police infrastructure requirements should be included in Appendix 1 (with its associated cross reference to Policy 4).

Full text:

This appendix provides additional detail to support policy 4 of this plan (a separate representation has been submitted regarding Policy 4). The Appendix sets out infrastructure requirements to serve growth including those identified in the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR).

Norfolk Constabulary recognise the importance of providing robust and fully justified evidence to support the infrastructure requirements. Norfolk Constabulary are submitting a Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper which will detail the infrastructure needs of the police.

The Regulation 18 version recognised these needs were important and therefore the provisions in the Police Infrastructure Delivery Paper should be included and the requirements of the Police recognised in the Policy 4 and Appendix 1 so that funding is secured for the necessary police infrastructure to cater for the planned growth and ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

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