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HETHEL 2 Policy

Representation ID: 23892

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This allocation is adjacent to Hethel Wood CWS, an important ancient woodland site, likely to also be of importance for several bat species.

Change suggested by respondent:

Given the proximity of the existing industrial area to the wood, and the sensitivity of ancient woodland to nearby development, we recommend that any allocations in this area include additional policy text specifically requiring the any applications to specifically address potential impacts on the CWS and ancient woodland from impacts including encroachment and light pollution. This area is also a key location for connectivity with other priority habitats in the south Norfolk claylands and net gain contributions could help link Hethel Wood with other nearby County Wildlife Sites and ancient woodland, improving their ecological value.

Full text:

This allocation is adjacent to Hethel Wood CWS, an important ancient woodland site, likely to also be of importance for several bat species.



2109 Policy

Representation ID: 23893

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This allocation is adjacent to Hethel Wood CWS, an important ancient woodland site, likely to also be of importance for several bat species.

Change suggested by respondent:

Given the proximity of the existing industrial area to the wood, and the sensitivity of ancient woodland to nearby development, we recommend that any allocations in this area include additional policy text specifically requiring the any applications to specifically address potential impacts on the CWS and ancient woodland from impacts including encroachment and light pollution. This area is also a key location for connectivity with other priority habitats in the south Norfolk claylands and net gain contributions could help link Hethel Wood with other nearby County Wildlife Sites and ancient woodland, improving their ecological value.

Full text:

This allocation is adjacent to Hethel Wood CWS, an important ancient woodland site, likely to also be of importance for several bat species.



REP1 Policy

Representation ID: 23894

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We support the inclusion of a requirement in the policy to ensure any application evaluates the potential indirect impacts of development on the adjacent Broomhill Meadows CWS.

Full text:

We support the inclusion of a requirement in the policy to ensure any application evaluates the potential indirect impacts of development on the adjacent Broomhill Meadows CWS.



0608R Policy

Representation ID: 23895

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This proposal is in close proximity to Lenwade Pits West CWS. We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application.

Change suggested by respondent:

This proposal is in close proximity to Lenwade Pits West CWS. We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application.

Full text:

This proposal is in close proximity to Lenwade Pits West CWS. We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application.



SL2007 4016 HFN3 Policy

Representation ID: 23898

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We support the inclusion of point 4 requiring assessment of potential indirect impacts on Horsham Meadows CWS as part of any application.

Full text:

We support the inclusion of point 4 requiring assessment of potential indirect impacts on Horsham Meadows CWS as part of any application.



BAW2 Policy

Representation ID: 23899

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Representation Summary:

We support the policy requirement that any proposals for this site, which is designated in its entirety as a County Wildlife Site, would need to ensure that its ecological value is retained and enhanced if it is to be made open to the public, through a conservation management plan tied to any permission.

Full text:

We support the policy requirement that any proposals for this site, which is designated in its entirety as a County Wildlife Site, would need to ensure that its ecological value is retained and enhanced if it is to be made open to the public, through a conservation management plan tied to any permission.



BKE3 Policy

Representation ID: 23900

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norfolk Wildlife Trust

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

This proposal is directly adjacent to Atlas Gravel Workings CWS. We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application, in order to ensure that any development does not lead to permanent impacts to the adjacent CWS. This is likely to include a requirement for a buffer between any development and the CWS boundary, to safeguard against indirect impacts such as noise and light pollution.

Change suggested by respondent:

We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application, in order to ensure that any development does not lead to permanent impacts to the adjacent CWS. This may include a requirement for a buffer between any development and the CWS boundary, to safeguard against indirect impacts such as noise and light pollution.

Full text:

This proposal is directly adjacent to Atlas Gravel Workings CWS. We recommend that the site policy is updated in line with all other proposed allocations in proximity to CWS with a reference to the need for an ecological assessment as part of any application, in order to ensure that any development does not lead to permanent impacts to the adjacent CWS. This is likely to include a requirement for a buffer between any development and the CWS boundary, to safeguard against indirect impacts such as noise and light pollution.

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