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Settlement Map 1
Representation ID: 24063
Received: 18/03/2021
Respondent: Munnings Construction Limited
Number of people: 2
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
We consider the plan to be unsound as the reason for rejection refers to;
“Access to the village would be along a relatively busy road with no footways so therefore there is no safe walking route to Lingwood Primary school”.
The adjacent site GNLP0067 has planning permission granted under appeal decision APP/K2610/W/16/3145283. Pre-commencement condition 14 states;
“Notwithstanding the details indicated on the submitted drawings, no works shall commence on site until a detailed scheme for the off-site highway improvement works and access as indicated on drawings numbered 566/03/003 Rev B and 566/03/004 has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local authority.
Condition 15 states;
“No part of the development shall be occupied until the off-site highway Improvement and access works referred to in condition 14 above have been implemented in accordance with the approved details”.
The off-site highway improvement works referred to consist of the provision of a new pedestrian footway linking the development to the village. The adjoining site GNLP0067 shall be developed before site GNLP4051 as the site is otherwise landlocked. Therefore, the reason for rejection is unsound as there will be a footway in place joining the site GNLP4051 to the village and subsequently providing a safe walking route to Lingwood Primary School.
We consider the local plan should be modified in the following way to make it sound;
The reason for rejection should be changed to remove reference to there being no safe walking route to Lingwood Primary School.
This can be incorporated into any future planning permission pre-commencment condition that should arise. This will ensure the highway improvement works are implemented to provide the safe walking route to Lingwood Primary School from the development.
We consider the plan to be unsound as the reason for rejection refers to;
“Access to the village would be along a relatively busy road with no footways so therefore there is no safe walking route to Lingwood Primary school”.
The adjacent site GNLP0067 has planning permission granted under appeal decision APP/K2610/W/16/3145283. Pre-commencement condition 14 states;
“Notwithstanding the details indicated on the submitted drawings, no works shall commence on site until a detailed scheme for the off-site highway improvement works and access as indicated on drawings numbered 566/03/003 Rev B and 566/03/004 has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local authority.
Condition 15 states;
“No part of the development shall be occupied until the off-site highway Improvement and access works referred to in condition 14 above have been implemented in accordance with the approved details".
The off-site highway improvement works referred to consist of the provision of a new pedestrian footway linking the development to the village. The adjoining site GNLP0067 shall be developed before site GNLP4051 as the site is otherwise landlocked. Therefore, the reason for rejection is unsound as there will be a footway in place joining the site GNLP4051 to the village and subsequently providing a safe walking route to Lingwood Primary School.