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Representation ID: 23910
Received: 15/03/2021
Respondent: Eversley Road Norwich Ltd
Number of people: 2
Agent: Walsingham Planning
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Please refer to the accompanying Representations Statement prepared by Walsingham Planning
Please refer to the accompanying Representations Statement prepared by Walsingham Planning
3.1 Our client, ERNL, own a parcel of land off Eversley Road in Hellesdon, as shown on the accompanying Plan at Appendix 1. The previously developed site measures 0.87 hectares and forms part of a housing allocation (HEL5) in Broadland Council’s Site Allocations DPD. Whilst the majority of the allocation has been built out with housing, our client’s land has not been developed.
3.2 Contrary to paragraph 176 of the Pre-submission Draft Strategy document, the site is not proposed for re-allocation in the GNLP. In the absence of any justification for omitting the site for housing, the Plan should not be considered justified. A reasonable alternative (i.e. our client’s site) – which is available, suitable and achievable for housing – has not been assessed or considered by the GNLP Board at any stage of the plan-making process.
3.3 The omission of our client’s brownfield site, in favour of less sustainable greenfield sites for allocation, is also inconsistent with the key principles of the NPPF. Strategic plan-making authorities are required by law to prepare their plans with the objective of achieving sustainable development. It should therefore be incumbent upon the Board to consider our client’s sustainable site for housing.
3.4 It is for the above reasons that the GNLP is not justified, nor is it consistent with national policy. It is unsound. We would encourage the Board to reallocate our client’s site for housing in order to address these concerns.