Site Proposals document

Ended on the 22 March 2018

1. Introduction

1.1 This document, the Site Proposals document, forms part of the Regulation 18 consultation on the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP). It covers sites and development boundaries. It accompanies the main consultation document, the Growth Options document, which covers the strategic plan approach. Section 5 of the Growth Options document sets the background to the consultation on sites.
1.2 At this stage no decisions have been made about which sites should or should not be included in the emerging plan; however, where sites have been assessed, this document, and the supporting evidence in the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) give an early indication about their possible suitability.
1.3 One of the assumptions underlying the GNLP is that sites that already have planning permission or are allocated for housing in current local plans will be built by 2036; however, we are testing those assumptions through this consultation.
1.4 Consequently, within this document we are asking for your views on:
  • Sites of over 0.25 hectares which have been submitted for possible inclusion in the GNLP between 16 May 2016 and 31 July 2017, all of which have undergone a preliminary assessment;
  • Current development boundaries/limits from the existing local plans[1].

Within the main Growth Options document, we have also asked questions on:

  • Existing allocations and planning permissions for housing, which are known as the existing commitment (question 8);
  • The key employment sites across the Greater Norwich Area, as identified in the GNLP Employment, Town Centres and Retail Study 2017 (questions 27 to 30).
1.5 As well as seeking views on the sites already identified, it is also possible that you may wish to put forward additional sites which you consider would be as good as, or better than those already identified; this is your opportunity to do that (see question 3 of this document below).
1.6 The main Growth Options consultation document asks various questions about the how much growth is likely to be needed between now and 2036. Question 3 covers jobs growth and questions 4 to 6 housing growth. Consequently no decisions have been made yet as to precisely how much land is needed to accommodate the additional development. The Growth Options document also sets out various possibilities for how the total growth will be distributed, with questions 9 to 12 covering this issue. The Growth Options include particular areas (such as transport corridors); or particular types of settlement (e.g. concentrated in larger towns or dispersed to a range of smaller villages); or whether a new settlement is a viable component of future growth. Consequently, at this stage, no conclusions can be drawn about which sites should to go forward into the GNLP until the amount and pattern of growth has been established. This sites consultation provides the opportunity for you to comment on the sites that have been submitted and to identify other potential sites for growth. To assist you in making your comments, it provides information on sites submitted by settlement and points you to individual site assessments done through the HELAA.

[1]The existing development boundaries/limits are taken from: Broadland Site Allocations DPD (2016); Old Catton, Sprowston, Rackheath & Thorpe St Andrew Growth Triangle Area Action Plan (July 2016); Norwich Site Allocations and Site Specific Policies Local Plan (December 2014); South Norfolk Site Specific Allocation and Policies Document (October 2015); Long Stratton Area Action Plan (May 2016); Wymondham Area Action Plan (October 2015); & Cringleford Neighbourhood Development Plan (February 2014).

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