Interim Sustainability Appraisal

Ended on the 22 March 2018

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As part of the preparation of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) an appraisal of the social, environmental and economic impact of the plan must be carried out. This appraisal is known as a Sustainability Appraisal (SA). The SA will also meet the requirements for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the GNLP. The document published for consultation is the Interim Sustainability Appraisal that accompanies the Regulation 18 GNLP “Growth Options” consultation. Representations submitted in relation to the Interim SA will be taken into account in the preparation of the Sustainability Appraisal that will be prepared to accompany the pre-submission draft version of the GNLP. Please use the submit your comments below on the Interim SA, quoting the relevant paragraph numbers which your comments relate to wherever possible.

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