

Representation ID: 23486

Received: 11/03/2021

Respondent: RJ Baker & Sons

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

We support the idnetification of Wymondham as one of the main towns but do question the level of housing being directed to the Norwich Urban Area as a proportion of total housing supply.

Full text:

We support the identification of Wymondham as one of the main towns and Wymondham is by far the largest of the five main towns (and twice the size of the next largest Town – Diss). Given the geography of the areas in which the five main towns are located then there is an argument for a greater proportion of the total housing growth to be steered to those five towns. Policy 1 refers to Hethersett (which is not a main town but a key service centre) and Wymondham alongside the Norwich urban area which highlights the importance of these two settlements within the Strategic Growth Area.
At present, the growth strategy is very strongly based on the majority of housing growth (65%) taking place in the Norwich Urban Area. There may be a question as to whether the housing market can support such a high proportion of new housing being concentrated in this area. We note and agree with the total housing provision being a minimum figure of about 49,000 new homes (our emphasis).