

Representation ID: 23495

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Bunwell Parish Council

Representation Summary:

The provision for sufficient new schools and additional places at existing schools needs to happen in advance of the housing development if overcrowding of classrooms and relocation of children to other schools is to be avoided. Long Stratton is a prime example of where there is to be significant new housing development and if local schools do not have capacity will children from outlying villages such as Bunwell be relocated to other schools where there is capacity? That must be avoided to prevent disruption and upset to the children at an important time in their lives.

Full text:

The provision for sufficient new schools and additional places at existing schools needs to happen in advance of the housing development if overcrowding of classrooms and relocation of children to other schools is to be avoided. Long Stratton is a prime example of where there is to be significant new housing development and if local schools do not have capacity will children from outlying villages such as Bunwell be relocated to other schools where there is capacity? That must be avoided to prevent disruption and upset to the children at an important time in their lives.