

Representation ID: 23642

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Clarion Housing Group

Agent: Brown & Co

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

It is considered that the proposed strategy is not appropriate and is incompatible with the overall purpose of the plan, in particular, the delivery of sustainable development which meets the challenges of climate change, and supports ambitious local and national targets for carbon neutrality. The proposed distribution of growth is not thought to be suitably forward thinking to facilitate the transition to a post-carbon economy, and the emergence of the region as the UK leader in clean growth. Furthermore, the proposed strategy is not considered suitable to deliver beautiful places or spaces.

Change suggested by respondent:

It is thought that sites GNLP0415A-G, collectively known as Honingham Thorpe, offer an appropriate opportunity to deliver growth differently, creating a truly sustainable community which paves the way for the region to become the UK leader in clean growth whilst raising the standards for design and placemaking.

Full text:

It is considered that the proposed strategy is not appropriate and is incompatible with the overall purpose of the plan, in particular, the delivery of sustainable development which meets the challenges of climate change, and supports ambitious local and national targets for carbon neutrality. The proposed distribution of growth is not thought to be suitably forward thinking to facilitate the transition to a post-carbon economy, and the emergence of the region as the UK leader in clean growth. Furthermore, the proposed strategy is not considered suitable to deliver beautiful places or spaces.