

Representation ID: 23678

Received: 12/03/2021


Number of people: 2

Agent: Maddox Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In accordance with the Framework (16), Policy 7.1 could be more clearly written and unambigous on development that affects the CWS in the regeneration area.

Change suggested by respondent:

We support the changes to policy 7.1 following previous representations we have submitted, notably on an increase in housing numbers, which have doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 homes to 2038. Also, given the complex nature of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (SRA), it is right that there is flexibility on the level of affordable housing requirements in general policy, allowing for the masterplan to address deliverability of the SRA. Additionally, the change in boundary of the allocation is also very much supported to include all land within the extant planning permissions 12/00875/O and 2011/0152/O; the May Gurney Headquarters site and within policy GNLP0360 (Deal Ground, Trowse Pumping Station and May Gurney). The regeneration area includes a CWS, which does not preclude development, and so a clear and unambigious policy is required to assess the acceptability of proposals that will affect it. We therefore propose that Policy 7.1 is amended to set out a clear benefit a development can provide, such as 10% biodiversity net gain. Please see our representation to Policy 3, which should be referred to in Policy 7.1.

Full text:

To be sound the Local Plan should be consistent with national policy, which means that policies should be clearly written and unambiguous (see paragraph 16(d), Framework). The amendments put forward at question 6 ensures draft policy 5 is clearly written and unambiguous.