

Representation ID: 23925

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: Dacre Property Holdings

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

On behalf of our clients, Dacre Property Holdings, we support the proposed allocation of Policy R1 within the Pre-Submission (Regulation 19) Greater Norwich Local Plan.

Our client acknowledges that the allocation has been carried over from the Adopted Development Plan (Policy R1), and accepts most of the changes to the wording of the policy introduced by the GNLP. Our client would like to suggest amendments to the policy wording, to ensure soundness.

Delivery of the site within the Plan period to 2038 is achievable, and the site remains suitable, available, achievable and viable for the suggested uses within the proposed site allocation.

Change suggested by respondent:

Amendment 1: The GNLP allocation specifies that the site is allocated for employment and light industrial uses only within use classes E(giii) and B2/B8, and some ancillary office development and motor trade / car sales uses on frontage with Hall Road. Class E was introduced last year with the aim of enabling maximum flexibility for units to change between use classes without requiring planning consent. With this in mind, our client suggests that the use classes permitted to operate at the site is expanded appropriately to include Class E(gi), (gii) and (a).

Amendment 2: The GNLP allocation requires the development to make provision for off-site improvements to the junction of Hall Road and The Neatmarket, caused by increased traffic generation from the site. At present, the existing allocation only requires appropriate vehicular access to be provided to serve the development proposed from Hall Road. The GNLP allocation should be reworded here to match the existing allocation, as the works required to implement a suitable access to the site will be established at the planning application stage.

Full text:

On behalf of our clients, Dacre Property Holdings, we support the proposed allocation of Policy R1 within the Pre-Submission (Regulation 19) Greater Norwich Local Plan.

Our client acknowledges that the allocation has been carried over from the Adopted Development Plan (Policy R1), and accepts most of the changes to the wording of the policy introduced by the GNLP. Our client would like to suggest amendments to the policy wording, to ensure soundness.

Delivery of the site within the Plan period to 2038 is achievable, and the site remains suitable, available, achievable and viable for the suggested uses within the proposed site allocation.