

Representation ID: 24402

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Trustees of Richard Gurney Children's Settlement

Agent: Mrs Nicole Wright

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The plan is unsound and unjustified.

As part of the Greater Norwich Local Plan, an understanding of the relevant evidence base is necessary to derive an appropriate strategy. No up-to-date assessment of Public Open Space (POS) needs has been provided, which affects future and existing residential amenity. A Public Open Space Assessment has been undertaken for Sprowston East. The study shows deficits in certain typologies of public space (namely Parks and Gardens -3.21ha, Amenity Green Space -3.30ha, and Playing Pitches -5.10ha). This would be exacerbated by the planned growth in Sprowston (LAPs -0.21ha, Parks and Gardens -6.01ha, Amenity Green Space -5.40ha, Playing Pitches -9.30ha). The Open Space Assessment is available in full upon request. The plan is not justified as it is based on an inadequate evidence base. As a result, reasonable alternatives cannot be considered in accordance with paragraph 35 of the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

An up-to-date evidence base in relation to the current and proposed open space and play space provision is required to inform the Strategy and proposed allocations.

Full text:

This representation is submitted by Le Ronde Wright on behalf of the Trustees of site at Sprowston Sports and Social Club.

This submission relates to Policy 1, Policy 2 & 3, Policy 5 and paragraphs 275 to 277, and Policy 6. See summaries for detail.