

Representation ID: 24439

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Firstplan

Representation Summary:

We are instructed jointly by our clients, National Grid (NG) and RWE Generation UK plc (RWE), to make the following representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) Regulation 19 Publication Draft. NG and RWE are the landowners and joint promoters of the Utilities Site at Cremorne Lane, Norwich. These representations continue our clients’ ongoing positive engagement with the Greater Norwich Projects Team throughout the local plan process and confirm the ongoing support for the site’s allocation in the GNLP as the examination of the plan draws closer.
National Grid and RWE are pleased that the Utilities Site has been carried forward and continues to form a part of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (Policy GNLP0360/3053/R10) also incorporating:
• Land at the Deal Ground, Bracondale and Trowse Pumping Station in Norwich and the former May Gurney site at Trowse in South Norfolk;
• Land at Carrow Works, Norwich;
• Land in front of ATB Lawrence Scott.

As highlighted in the publication draft, the principle of development on the site has already been accepted and it is expected that development will take place ‘within the time-period of this Local Plan’. As set out in our previous representations and most recently in the Statement of Common Ground, the site has been cleared and as such remains available, suitable and deliverable for development within years 0-5 of the plan. This is of course subject to ensuring that a suitable access arrangement can be funded and viably implemented. Discussions with Homes England and the East Norwich Partnership are ongoing with a view to agreeing a programme of funding. We therefore trust that once the access arrangements are confirmed, the Council will be receptive to a planning application coming forward for development within years 0-5.
In terms of density, whilst there is no specific number identified for the Utilities Site we wish to reiterate that the site will be capable of making a significant contribution towards the overall target of 4,000 new homes within the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area. The landowners will be seeking to maximise density on site, as encouraged by the GNLP Team, which will in turn assist with ensuring that a viable, deliverable scheme can be achieved within years 0-5 of the plan period.
As the next stage is the examination, we wish to express our interest in attending the relevant hearings, and participating in any discussions relating specifically to the Utilities Site, in order to continue positive engagement with the Council and the Inspector.
I trust that the above provides clarity on the landowner’s continuing support for the site allocation, without reiterating the content of previous representations. However, if any further information or clarification is required, please contact me. Otherwise, we look forward to discussing in more detail when the time comes
I trust that the above provides clarity on the landowner’s continuing support for the site allocation, without reiterating the content of previous representations. However, if any further information or clarification is required, please contact me. Otherwise, we look forward to discussing in more detail when the time comes.

Full text:

We are instructed jointly by our clients, National Grid (NG) and RWE Generation UK plc (RWE), to make the following representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) Regulation 19 Publication Draft. NG and RWE are the landowners and joint promoters of the Utilities Site at Cremorne Lane, Norwich. These representations continue our clients’ ongoing positive engagement with the Greater Norwich Projects Team throughout the local plan process and confirm the ongoing support for the site’s allocation in the GNLP as the examination of the plan draws closer.
National Grid and RWE are pleased that the Utilities Site has been carried forward and continues to form a part of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area (Policy GNLP0360/3053/R10) also incorporating:
• Land at the Deal Ground, Bracondale and Trowse Pumping Station in Norwich and the former May Gurney site at Trowse in South Norfolk;
• Land at Carrow Works, Norwich;
• Land in front of ATB Lawrence Scott.

As highlighted in the publication draft, the principle of development on the site has already been accepted and it is expected that development will take place ‘within the time-period of this Local Plan’. As set out in our previous representations and most recently in the Statement of Common Ground, the site has been cleared and as such remains available, suitable and deliverable for development within years 0-5 of the plan. This is of course subject to ensuring that a suitable access arrangement can be funded and viably implemented. Discussions with Homes England and the East Norwich Partnership are ongoing with a view to agreeing a programme of funding. We therefore trust that once the access arrangements are confirmed, the Council will be receptive to a planning application coming forward for development within years 0-5.
In terms of density, whilst there is no specific number identified for the Utilities Site we wish to reiterate that the site will be capable of making a significant contribution towards the overall target of 4,000 new homes within the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area. The landowners will be seeking to maximise density on site, as encouraged by the GNLP Team, which will in turn assist with ensuring that a viable, deliverable scheme can be achieved within years 0-5 of the plan period.
As the next stage is the examination, we wish to express our interest in attending the relevant hearings, and participating in any discussions relating specifically to the Utilities Site, in order to continue positive engagement with the Council and the Inspector.
I trust that the above provides clarity on the landowner’s continuing support for the site allocation, without reiterating the content of previous representations. However, if any further information or clarification is required, please contact me. Otherwise, we look forward to discussing in more detail when the time comes.