

Representation ID: 24454

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Orbit Homes

Agent: David Lock Associates

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Whilst we support the thrust of Policy 1 and its supporting text, we consider that the amendments
to Policy 1 proposed in the Reg 19 plan fail to address a number of key issues:
(a) Ensuring housing need is fully aligned with economic growth ambitions;
(b) Properly embedding the commitment expressed in Policy 7.6 to a new settlement for accommodating higher housing needs arising within the current plan period (this should specifically be referenced under the Housing text of Policy 1); and
(c) Failing to provide sufficient certainty and clarity by identifying within Policy 1 and the Key Diagram a preferred spatial growth area within which any new settlement could come forward.


Change suggested by respondent:

Prepare a robust Housing and Economic Needs Assessment to comply with national guidance and clarify the number of homes likely to be needed in Greater Norwich where this appears likely to exceed the outcome of the standard method.

Policy 1 would benefit from the inclusion of a para under the Settlement Hierarchy to reference the commitment to a new settlement to meet additional housing needs within the Plan period.

Expanding Policy 1 to include within its spatial strategy more specificity about what a ‘sustainable community’ might constitute at a strategic scale would be helpful in guiding decisions about the criteria for new settlements, decisions for which will need to be taken in the next 2
years if the Councils delivery programme is to be met.


Full text:

Representation on behalf of Orbit Homes, J Alston and Sons and Pelham Homes in relation to Silfield Garden Village.

The team led by Orbit Homes are generally supportive of the GNLP (Pre-submission) as currently drafted but consider that some aspects of the Pre-submission GNLP would benefit from amendment and/or further detail to ensure the GNLP meets the soundness test as set out at paragraph 35 of the NPPF. Please see the enclosed representation submission for details.