

Representation ID: 24471

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Natural England

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The current wording of the policy needs to be strengthened with regard to the delivery of green infrastructure (GI). Currently it is rather vague and weak with regard to the essential role that quality GI must play if sustainable development is to be delivered under the Plan and meet the needs and aims as set out in the accompanying text under (161).

The policy needs to cross reference Policy 3 in order to provide a strong and clear steer of what will be required to deliver the growth strategy, whilst protecting and enhancing the area’s natural environmental assets, and to make the Plan sound. It refers to other relevant Plan policies in relation to housing, the economy, areas of growth and other strategic infrastructure, so links to Policy 3 should be included too.

Full text:

The current wording of the policy needs to be strengthened with regard to the delivery of green infrastructure (GI). Currently it is rather vague and weak with regard to the essential role that quality GI must play if sustainable development is to be delivered under the Plan and meet the needs and aims as set out in the accompanying text under (161).

The policy needs to cross reference Policy 3 in order to provide a strong and clear steer of what will be required to deliver the growth strategy, whilst protecting and enhancing the area’s natural environmental assets, and to make the Plan sound. It refers to other relevant Plan policies in relation to housing, the economy, areas of growth and other strategic infrastructure, so links to Policy 3 should be included too.