Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21880

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Cringleford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

In response to the current plans for Cringleford in the GNLP that is currently being consulted on, Cringleford Parish Council is generally supportive of the plan for the Parish, and the uplift within the settlement boundary. Furthermore, it is grateful for the continued recognition of some sensitive sites that have been designated ‘unreasonable’


Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations


Representation ID: 21881

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Cringleford Parish Council

Representation Summary:

In response to the current plans for Cringleford in the GNLP that is currently being consulted on, Cringleford Parish Council is generally supportive of the plan for the Parish, and the uplift within the settlement boundary. Furthermore, it is grateful for the continued recognition of some sensitive sites that have been designated ‘unreasonable’

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