Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations

Ended on the 16 March 2020


This is the draft GNLP Sites document. It is the second document we are consulting on. It contains draft policies for the new housing and employment sites we propose to allocate for development to help implement the draft GNLP Strategy document as well as the allocations we propose to carry forward from the current Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk Local Plans. For consultation purposes the document also contains reasonable alternative and unreasonable alternative sites.

This document does not contain any sites in smaller South Norfolk villages as South Norfolk Council intend to prepare a separate village clusters plan covering new and carried forward sites for housing in their village clusters.

The draft GNLP Sites document comprises:

  1. Settlement or village cluster chapters containing:

a) the preferred site/s for new allocation, including site maps and draft policies. .

b) the allocations to be carried forward from the current Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk Local Plans, including site maps and policies.

c) Reasonable alternative sites (where appropriate), including site maps. These are sites which are not currently preferred for allocation but are sites which could have merit if additional numbers are needed or the preferred site cannot be delivered for any reason.
(In particular there is a contingency site in Costessey and a contingency number of dwellings at Wymondham on unspecified sites, which could provide additional housing if overall numbers need to be raised) .

d) Unreasonable alternative sites, including site maps. These sites are not proposed for allocation for the reasons set out in the tables.

  1. A list of superseded policies from the current Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk Local Plans. It is not proposed to re-allocate these sites because in many cases they are built or under construction or we have evidence that parts of larger sites will not be delivered by the end date of the plan in 2038 or because plans have changed for previously allocated sites. (To follow)

Please note:

  • Sites of less than 0.5ha will be considered at a future date as part of a reappraisal of settlement boundaries and published with the Regulation 19 Submission version of the plan. Current inconsistencies between Broadland and South Norfolk regarding the inclusion or non- inclusion of carried forward allocations within settlement boundaries will also be rectified for the submission version of the plan.
  • The Regulation 19 Submission version of the plan will only include those sites which, after consultation, are considered suitable for allocation or as contingency sites. It will not include reference to reasonable alternative or unreasonable alternative sites.

We welcome your views on any of the sites in the draft GNLP Sites document. We are particularly interested in hearing your views on:

  • Support or opposition to the preferred option sites;
  • Support or opposition to the reasonable alternative/contingency sites;
  • Comments on the carried forward allocations but please note that the principle of allocating these sites has already been agreed;
  • Comments on the unreasonable sites.

The site assessment booklets available here for each settlement or village cluster provide extra information on how sites have been chosen. These booklets may help you in making your comments on sites.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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