Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 21875
Received: 12/03/2020
Respondent: intu Properties Plc
Agent: Pegasus Group
On behalf of our client, intu Properties PLC (“intu”), we write to make representations to the Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan (Sites Document). Intu own the freehold interest of Chapelfield Shopping Centre which is in the heart of Norwich City Centre. It is a major attraction for visitors to the City Centre and is a key contributor to the City Centre’s overall vitality and viability. Our comments relate specifically to Policy GNLP0506 – Anglia Square.
We do not have any objection to the principle of the regeneration of Anglia Square, rather intu wish to ensure that any future redevelopment of Anglia Square will be appropriate to its role and function as a large district centre and some wording changes to the policy for site GNLP0506 are suggested (see full submission for suggested changes)
On behalf of our client, intu Properties PLC (“intu”), we write to make representations to the Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan (Sites Document). Intu own the freehold interest of Chapelfield Shopping Centre which is in the heart of Norwich City Centre. It is a major attraction for visitors to the City Centre and is a key contributor to the City Centre’s overall vitality and viability. Our comments relate specifically to Policy GNLP0506 – Anglia Square.
We do not have any objection to the principle of the regeneration of Anglia Square, rather intu wish to ensure that any future redevelopment of Anglia Square will be appropriate to its role and function as a large district centre. Similar comments have been made by intu on the ‘called in’ application for redevelopment of Anglia Square which has recently been subject to a Planning Inquiry in January 2020.
Draft Strategy Policy 6 ‘The Economy’ identifies Anglia Square / Magdelen Street as a 2nd tier ‘Large District Centre’ below Norwich City Centre. Draft Strategy Policy 6 states:
The development of new retailing, leisure, offices and other main town centre uses will be subject to the sequential approach, as defined by Government policy and guidance, and will be encouraged at a scale appropriate to the form and functions of the following hierarchy of defined centres:
1. Norwich City Centre;
2. The town centres of Aylsham, Diss, Harleston and Wymondham, and within the Norwich urban area, the large district centres of Anglia Square / Magdalen Street and Riverside; (our emphasis)
Paragraph 286 of the draft Strategy under the preamble to Policy 7.1, acknowledges that Policy 6 places the city centre retail area at the top of the retail hierarchy with the large district centres ‘providing a complementary role and meeting more day to day needs’.
Clearly, the draft Strategy Greater Norwich Local Plan seeks to ensure that redevelopment of Anglia Square will be appropriate to the form and function of its role as a Large District Centre. The redevelopment of Anglia Square will therefore need to serve the daily needs of its existing and proposed resident populations (for example, in relation to convenience shopping provision). Furthermore, its retail offer should be distinct from the primary retail functions of the City Centre and compliment rather than compete with the City Centre.
However, the Site-Specific Allocation for Anglia Square (Policy GNLP0506) is silent on the need for the redevelopment proposals to create a form of development that is appropriate to its role and function as a large district centre.
In order to ensure compatibility with the draft Strategy document of the Greater Norwich Local Plan, it is necessary for site specific Policy GNLP0506 to recognise the need for any scheme coming forward to complement rather than compete with the city centre in terms of trading potential, to serve the day to day convenience needs of its resident hinterland, and will be appropriate to its role and function as a large district centre (recognising its position in the local retail hierarchy).
Suggested amendments to draft Policy GNLP0506
We propose the following amendments to draft Policy GNLP0506 (additional text shown as in quote marks "". Text to be removed shown in Double brackets (()))
Land at and adjoining Anglia Square, Norwich (approx. 4.79 hectares) is allocated for residential-led, mixed-use development as the focus for an ((enhanced and)) improved large district centre and to act as a catalyst for wider investment and redevelopment within the Northern City Centre strategic regeneration area as defined in policy 7.1 of this plan.
The site will deliver in the region of 1200 homes to provide affordable housing in accordance with policy 5, subject to viability considerations.
The development will achieve the following site-specific requirements:
• Delivery of a comprehensive, mixed use regeneration scheme which can include residential development, student accommodation, retail units, offices and flexible workspace, hotel, leisure and hospitality uses and community facilities as part of a balanced mix;
• "To create retail and leisure provision that will complement rather than compete with the city centre;"
• "To deliver an enhanced large district centre which will continue to perform a different role and function to the city centre in accordance with the retail hierarchy set out in Policy 6;"
• Phasing (where appropriate) to be agreed;
• An ((significantly)) improved retail/leisure offer providing a continuous active frontage between Magdalen Street and St Augustine's Street;
• Removal of the derelict and long-term vacant buildings from the site, including Sovereign House and the existing multi-storey car park;
• ((Delivery of replacement high quality decked public car parking to serve the large district centre;))
• "Delivery of sustainable transport solutions to reduce the need to travel particularly by car;"
• Achievement of high quality, locally distinctive and energy efficient design with scope for a landmark building or buildings providing a new focal point for the Northern City Centre and sited to conserve and enhance heritage assets and their settings;
• High quality landscaping, planting and biodiversity enhancements;
• Low-car or car-free housing where consistent with scheme viability;
• Significant improvements in connectivity and permeability across the site to deliver new and enhanced pedestrian and cycle links north-south between Edward Street and St Crispin's Road, and east-west between Magdalen Street and St Augustine's and improved integration with the surrounding network;
• High quality public realm improvements creating attractive, legible and user-friendly streets and public spaces both within the site and adjacent to it on Magdalen Street (including land under the flyover);
• A mobility hub featuring shared transport services (buses, car club and bike share) centred on Magdalen Street in the vicinity of the flyover that is easily accessible on foot and by bicycle to promote use of sustainable transport modes by residents, visitors and other users;
• Heritage interpretation measures to be incorporated in accordance with Policy 3 of this plan.
The site is likely to accommodate in the region of 1200 homes, a minimum of 120 of which will be affordable, providing a mix of affordable tenures consistent with identified needs at the time of submission of a planning application and subject to viability.
The above suggested amendments will ensure that the redeveloped large district centre will be distinct from the primary retail and leisure functions of the city centre and increase sustainable transport use and local transport solutions reflecting its role and function in meeting more day-to-day needs.