
Site Proposals document

Representation ID: 15571

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Dr Anna Malpas-Sands

Representation Summary:

1. Buxton School is already full and parents are already being turned away living in the village.
2. GP services are in neighbouring villages and under extreme pressure.
3. This land serves as a drain for those living in Levishaw Close, if you build on it, their land will flood. This happens currently without additional buildings.
4. Building this many homes will add to traffic in our rural village.
5. This site is outside the village boundary.
6. rural communities value green space.

Full text:

1. Buxton School is already full and parents are already being turned away living in the village.
2. GP services are in neighbouring villages and under extreme pressure.
3. This land serves as a drain for those living in Levishaw Close, if you build on it, their land will flood. This happens currently without additional buildings.
4. Building this many homes will add to traffic in our rural village.
5. This site is outside the village boundary.
6. rural communities value green space.