Site Proposals document

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Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16104

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Site GNLP0177-A should be allocated for up to 1500 new homes, open space, infrastructure and a range of community benefits. As set out in the full Representation and supporting technical evidence to follow shortly (submitted via email), the site is suitable, available, achievable and viable and is therefore deliverable. It represents a sustainable location for development. Technical evidence has been prepared to demonstrate that there are no constraints to delivery.

Full text:

Site GNLP0177-A should be allocated for up to 1500 new homes, open space, infrastructure and a range of community benefits. As set out in the full Representation and supporting technical evidence to follow shortly (submitted via email), the site is suitable, available, achievable and viable and is therefore deliverable. It represents a sustainable location for development. Technical evidence has been prepared to demonstrate that there are no constraints to delivery.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16691

Received: 21/03/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Representation Summary:

Representation in respect of site GNLP0352, land north of Brecklands Road, Brundall. See attached documentation for full details.

Full text:

Representation in respect of site GNLP0352, land north of Brecklands Road, Brundall. See attached documentation for full details.

Site Specific Comments on Site GNLP0352 (Land North of Brecklands Road - 14.67 hectares)
Pigeon has reviewed and considered the Settlement Site Summary for Brundall and also the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) summary for Site GNLP0352. Pigeon wish to make the following comments.

Brundall Settlement Summary
The Summary's acknowledgement that Site GNLP 0352 (Land North of Brecklands Road) is one of a range of site options available to accommodate new homes is supported. As detailed further within the response to the HEELA below, the Concept Plan (drawing no. 0077/005) submitted with these representations defines a design and landscape-led approach that is sensitive to the landscape and existing built form of Brundall as well as a maintaining a strong separation of built form from Run Dike and its ecology, through the provision of a Country Park along the northern and eastern boundary. This comprises a significant ecological and community benefit in a location where there is a long-standing deficit in open and recreational space, which has not been addressed through the allocations in the previous JCS. It also satisfactorily addresses any flood risk concerns with the area of flood risk limited to the extreme margins of the site at Witton Run, at a considerable distance from any new homes.
The Pigeon scheme provides a strong and distinct alternative to the other sites that are being promoted. The concept masterplan is based on a scheme of around 75 new homes, which would be of a more appropriate scale for the village and would have a limited impact upon the local highway network, with 2 points of access and a looped internal road arrangement. The scheme would include self-build plots, bungalows and also has the potential for assisted living, as well as abundant open space and enhanced connections to the local footpath network. The open space provision and enhanced landscaping will see a net gain in biodiversity with the land currently in arable production.
HELAA Site Suitability Assessment (GNLP0352)
In respect of the Site Suitability analysis, the conclusion that the site is suitable for new homes is welcomed and as set out above, the Pigeon scheme is for a high quality landscape and design led proposal of a scale and form that is entirely appropriate for the village of Brundall and the particular nature of the location, with a range of community benefits.
Addressing the Constraints and Impacts Analysis in detail, we are pleased to see the site score a 'green' rating for the following matters:-
* Accessibility to Services;
* Utilities Infrastructure;
* Contamination and Ground Stability;
* Market Attractiveness;
* Biodiversity and Geodiversity;
* Open Space and GI.

Pigeon support the above findings and would add that the scheme will see a significant enhancement of open space and green infrastructure through the provision of a country park, with enhanced access to Witton Run and the local footpath network in accordance with the aspirations of the Brundall Neighbourhood Plan. The open space, together with enhanced boundary planting also has the potential to deliver a net gain in biodiversity with the site currently in arable production with biodiversity largely restricted to the field margins.

The site and location scores well in terms of market attractiveness and provides a distinct offering to sites that are being promoted elsewhere in the village. This includes the provision of bungalows, largely along the southern and western boundaries to be in keeping with the existing built form in this part of Brundall as well as providing an appropriate scale of development in relation to these properties. This will limit impacts upon residential amenity together with landscaping enhancements and the provision of open space at the site entrance.

The 'red' rating applied to flood risk is not applicable to this site and the scheme shown on the submitted Concept Masterplan would not be precluded on flood risk grounds. Flood risk matters are restricted to Witton Run at the extreme northern and eastern boundaries of the site which are proposed for a Country Park and the proposed new homes would not be impacted upon, and indeed would be a significant distance from the flood zone.

Access is defined as amber but the conclusions define that the site is suitable for the provision of new homes and confirms that any constraints could be overcome through development as well as that any impact on the functioning of local roads could be mitigated. The scheme has been developed with access from both Brecklands Road and The Coingncroft and a looped main distribution road through the site between the two. The scale of the scheme and nature of the access provision ensures any highways impact is minimal and both access roads benefit from good visibility onto Strumpshaw Road.

With specific reference to townscape and landscape, the Concept Masterplan sets out a high quality, landscape led approach to ensure a sensitive design approach. The concepts have been informed by landscape appraisal establishing a number of principles for the scheme. This includes linear street patterns reflecting the existing character of built form to the south and west, with the new homes not extending further to the east and north than existing homes in the village. Accordingly, the scheme will be seen within the context of existing homes to the south and west and will not encroach any further into the river valley. This approach is further enhanced by the properties on the outer edge of the development being comprised of self-build homes, at a low density in a landscaped setting on the edge of the Country Park. This comprises a soft transition on the edge of Brundall and will provide an enhancement to the existing hard edge respecting views from the wider landscape as well as the setting of a number of churches on the opposite side of the valley.
It is intended that the density of development will be comparable to the existing properties on the eastern edge of Brundall and the provision of bungalows, landscaping and open space along the southern and western boundaries of the site will minimise any impact from the allocation of this
site. Further to discussions with Brundall Parish Council, the potential for assisted living as part of the scheme's mix is also being explored.
Finally picking up some of the further comments within the site suitability conclusions, reference is made to the Broads National Park but this is on the southern side of Brundall and the site is separated by the village so that allocation of this site would not have an impact. It is understood that the sewage works is to the south-east of the site but no odour issues have been identified, prevailing winds are south-westerly, other parts of the village lie between the site and the treatment works and from experience with similar small treatment works in other locations, the site is sufficiently distant that no issues would be raised by statutory consultees.
In summary, the Concept Proposals demonstrate a high quality, landscape-led development that is sensitive to the location and with no constraints that would prevent the delivery of new homes. In short, the scheme comprises sustainable development, with a range of community benefits including a country park and enhanced footpath and cycle links and is wholly appropriate for allocation.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16720

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Agent: John Long Planning

Representation Summary:

Representation in respect of site GNLP0353, land north and south of B1145 Dereham Road, Reepham. See attached documentation for full details.

Full text:

Site Specific Comments on Site GNLP0353 (Land north and south of the B1145 Dereham Road, Reepham - 11.67 hectares)-
It is important to clarify that the proposals for Site GNLP0353 have been updated subsequent to the call for sites submission in Summer 2016. The land north and south of Dereham Road is being promoted as a mixed-use scheme comprising the following elements:-
* Residential development of approximately 120 new homes across the northern and southern land parcels with the mix likely to include a proportion of bungalows and the potential for self-build plots;
* Employment allocation of approximately 4 acres / 1.6ha. This has been identified working with a particular end-user, who is a significant employer within the local area and is looking to expand their existing operation; and
* Reserved land to permit expansion of the doctor's surgery to future-proof healthcare demand going forward including the provision of additional services not currently provided by the surgery.
Drawing Number 0078/102 has been included within the representations and defines the proposed employment allocation together with a potential expansion of the GP Surgery site, with a new access onto Dereham Road, Reepham. The remainder of the land has the potential for residential development and with 2 parcels, there is a flexibility to meeting the need ultimately identified for Reepham. Based on the previous JCS allocation, which has yet to come forward, it is suggested this should be in the region of 120 new dwellings.
Pigeon has reviewed and considered the Settlement Site Summary for Reepham and also the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) summary for Site GNLP0353. Pigeon wish to make the following comments.
Reepham Settlement Summary
The Summary's acknowledgement that Site GNLP 0353 (Land north and south of the B1145 Dereham Road) is one of a range of site options available to accommodate development is supported. The recognition of the flexibility around the 2 parcels of land is also welcomed although Pigeon would contend that this flexibility would also permit smaller growth to be accommodated on GNLP0353. However, notwithstanding its Key Service Centre status, Reepham itself is a town with a range of services and facilities including a High School, and has a significant sphere of influence within the local area. Accordingly, we would suggest it is allocated for a level of growth of around 100-120 dwellings consistent with the previous JCS, and particularly as that site has yet to come forward. On that theme, the recognition that development of the southern parcel could facilitate the delivery of the existing allocation (including its provision for the High School) is welcomed.
Comments relating to surface water flood issues are noted but from preliminary investigations we are unaware of any issues. However, the position could be enhanced by sustainable drainage proposals. We would also concur that there is sufficient land for any issues to be avoided or mitigated and similarly there is sufficient land to avoid impacts on the Conservation Area, which would certainly not preclude development, given Pigeon's commitment to high quality, landscape led development.
HELAA Site Suitability Assessment (GNLP0353)
In respect of the Site Suitability analysis, the conclusion that the site is suitable for new homes is welcomed and as set out above, the Pigeon scheme is for a high quality landscape and design led proposal of a scale and form that is entirely appropriate for the town of Reepham.
Addressing the Constraints and Impacts Analysis in detail, we are pleased to see the site score a 'green' rating for the following matters:-
* Access
* Accessibility to Services;
* Utilities Infrastructure;
* Contamination and Ground Stability;
* Market Attractiveness;
* Significant Landscapes
* Biodiversity and Geodiversity;
* Open Space and GI; and
* Compatibility with Neighbouring Uses
Pigeon support the above findings and would emphasise that the site lies within a highly sustainable location with easy access to the town centre and the range of services and facilities contained within it. Indeed, the delivery of new commercial development, including potential expansion of the doctor's surgery on the site will continue to support the town centre and its shops and services in addition to the new homes.
The site is not within a Flood Risk Zone and as detailed above, there is sufficient land to address or avoid surface water drainage issues, with the potential to deliver enhancements through suitable SuDS design.
With regards to townscape and heritage, it is noted that the Reepham Conservation Area extends close to the south-eastern corner of the northern parcel. However, the northern parcel is a well-contained site with strong boundary treatments and therefore any impact upon the townscape and Conservation Area is minimal. In addition, the land in the south-western corner is proposed for potential expansion of the surgery which will limit any potential impact.
The southern parcel similarly has a limited townscape impact and adjoins the existing allocation from the JCS.
With regard to transport and roads, the site is given an amber rating although access raises no concerns and the site suitability conclusions define that any impact on the local roads could be mitigated and this wouldn't prevent development of the site.
In summary, the concept proposals define a high quality, landscape led development that would be delivering a mix of new homes and employment in a highly sustainable location with minimal constraints and certainly none that could not be overcome. It therefore comprises a suitable site for
a mixed use allocation with a range of benefits including local employment in a sustainable location and future-proofing the needs of the local doctor's surgery.


Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16745

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Representation Summary:

Whilst reference to the railway underpass is noted, it will be upgraded through existing allocations and the proposed development of approximately 21 new homes will have a minimal impact. The proposals are for a modest development of 21 homes, a natural extension of the current allocations and comprise sustainable development. The site will continue to benefit from access from Rightup Lane as an alternative approach. It is not clear why the site should score amber for utilities capacity. Comments related to CWS are noted but the site is small compared to other development here.

Full text:

2. Site Specific Comments on Site GNLP0355 (Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham - 1.34 hectares)
Pigeon has reviewed and considered the Settlement Site Summary for Wymondham and also the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HEELA) summary for Site GNLP0355. Pigeon wish to make the following comments.

Wymondham Settlement Summary
Pigeon welcome the findings of the settlement summary which identifies site GNLP0355 as one of the best related sites to existing services, and also one of the least constrained sites and contiguous with recent allocations in South Wymondham. Whilst reference to the railway underpass is noted, it will be upgraded through existing allocations and the proposed development of approximately 21 new homes (as set out within the accompanying concept layout layout; drawing no. xx29/104) will have a minimal impact that would not preclude development. The settlement summary also reflects that a development of that scale would not be restricted by the infrastructure issues which have implications for some of the other sites that are being promoted within Wymondham, such as High School and highways capacity.
Pigeon's proposals are for a modest development of 21 homes that would be a natural extension of the current allocations and would comprise sustainable development.

HELAA Site Suitability Assessment (GNLP0355)
In respect of the Suitability Assessment, the conclusion that the site is suitable for development is welcomed.
Addressing the Constraints and Impacts Analysis in detail, we are pleased to see the site score a 'green' rating for the following matters:-
* Utilities Infrastructure;
* Contamination and Ground Stability;
* Market Attractiveness;
* Flood Risk
* Significant Landscapes
* Historic Environment;
* Open Space and GI; and
* Compatibility with Neighbouring Uses

References to the access to the site are noted but the site suitability conclusions define how the site could be accessed via the adjoining allocation. Pigeon also understand that the site will continue to benefit from access from Rightup Lane as an alternative approach subject to some localised enhancements. Given the scale of the site and the fact that it lies adjacent to new development coming forward it is difficult to envisage any constraints in terms of utilities capacity and therefore it is not clear why the site should have an amber rating in this regard.
Similarly, the contiguous nature of the development with the adjoining allocation, will ensure that there are no issues in terms of compatibility with neighbouring uses, townscape impact or accessibility to services and the site is defined within the Settlement Summary as being one of the best related to existing services.
Comments relating to the County Wildlife Site are noted but there has been significant development in this location and an additional 21 homes will have limited impact with the site having sufficient space to buffer and mitigate any impact.
In summary, the concept proposals define a natural extension to the existing allocations in a sustainable location with minimal constraints and certainly none that could not be overcome. It therefore comprises a suitable site for allocation with excellent prospects for early delivery of new homes in accordance with the strong emphasis on delivery within the draft NPPF.



Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16778

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Representation in relation to the HELLA assessment of site GNLP0177-A Land North, North-East, and West of Hethersett. Please see attached document.

Full text:

Representation in relation to the HELLA assessment of site GNLP0177-A Land North, North-East, and West of Hethersett. Please see attached document.



Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 19674

Received: 14/12/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Representation Summary:

Comments submitted during Stage B Consultation

Please see attached representation providing further supporting information in respect of Site Ref GNLP0352 (Land North of Brecklands Road, Brundall).

See attachments.

Full text:

Please see attached representation providing further supporting information in respect of Site Ref GNLP0352 (Land North of Brecklands Road, Brundall).

See attachments.



Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 19686

Received: 14/12/2018

Respondent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

See attachments, submitted during stage B consultation

* Delivery Statement prepared by Bidwells;
* Concept Masterplan prepared by Pigeon;
* Strategic Ecological Assessment prepared by Hopkins Ecology;
* Cultural Heritage Assessment prepared by CgMs
* Strategic Landscape and Visual Appraisal prepared by Liz Lake Associates;
* Transport Appraisal prepared by AECOM;
* Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy prepared by Pigeon;
* Utilities and Services Report prepared by Pigeon.

Full text:

See attachments, submitted during stage B consultation, on behalf of Pigeon Land 2 Ltd in respect of Land at Hethersett (Site Ref. GNLP0177-A)

* Delivery Statement prepared by Bidwells;
* Concept Masterplan prepared by Pigeon;
* Strategic Ecological Assessment prepared by Hopkins Ecology;
* Cultural Heritage Assessment prepared by CgMs
* Strategic Landscape and Visual Appraisal prepared by Liz Lake Associates;
* Transport Appraisal prepared by AECOM;
* Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy prepared by Pigeon;
* Utilities and Services Report prepared by Pigeon.


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